Reporting on the New Better World as We Make it

ImagineCommunity grows beyond 500 members!
Our hearts beat faster when we think of the fact that ImagineCommons has grown to more than 500 Individual Members! They come from 85 countries and represent a truly diverse group of people in every way imaginable, just the way ImagineCommunity is out to be!
Most of the Members have business backgrounds in a broad range of industries and domains, including management and strategy, data analytics and machine learning, sustainability and design, healthcare, and IT, to name a few. Over 60 of our Members are MIT alumni, and some 67 Members have Doctorate degrees in various fields of natural and social sciences. Many ImaginePeople have a strong background in Complexity Science and System thinking because these two fields are foundational for ImagineCommons design and modus operandi.

As many of our Members point out, we want to acknowledge that there is not much activity within ImagineCommons at the moment besides the growing number of our Community Members. This is due to the limited resources of a small group of enthusiasts working on Imagine alongside their regular jobs, family responsibilities, and all the other stuff that life brings to us along the way. But this will change soon as we shift our focus onto bringing new Institutional Members of ImagineCommons by creating multiple Joint Ventures with independent companies and NPOs. If you happen to own or manage such a Company or NPO, who wants to become a part of our exciting, unique work on developing a New Type of Organization for the 21st Century, raise your hand!

Once the number and variety of companies and NPOs within ImagineCommons grow, so will the multitude of opportunities for our Members to cluster and become part of these Institutions and get involved. These opportunities may include employment, consulting, co-ownership and co-investment, and other work on various projects of interest together with other Members of ImagineCommunity.

So, stay healthy and connected, and get ready as things are about to start rolling!

With warm regards,

Your ImagineCommons Team
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