Imagine is a growing International Community of People and Institutions sharing common Values, Principles, Beliefs and Objectives
Imagine is a growing International Community of People and Institutions sharing common Values, Principles, Beliefs and Objectives
While most of our Beliefs are embedded in ImagineConstitution, a few of them that serve as a starting point for our Community are the following:

  • We believe during the last 30 to 50 years, the role of Business in the Global Environment has changed significantly, impacting many areas outside the traditional business terrain.

  • The impact that Business makes on our World is to a large extent determined by the Values and Principles of the People who own and govern it.

  • As evidenced by modern history again and again, when these Values and Principles get out of balance, the impact of Business on our society can be dramatically negative.
Hence, our objective is to build a Global Collective of People and Institutions that can make through their day-to-day activities a significant positive contribution to the World’s current and future development based on the Values and Principles of ImagineConstitution.
Reporting on the New Better World as We Make it

Excited to announce that we are in the planning stages for the ImagineIndia Cohort!
We are gearing up for the ImagineIndia Cohort Initiative Group General Meeting, scheduled for late August to early September.

We are thrilled to announce the successful inaugural meeting to kick off the ImagineIndia Cohort development! This marks the beginning of an exciting journey with some of our most dedicated members: Anuj AV Kulkarni, Prof. Chandan Jha, and Manish Wahie.

Our hearts beat faster when we think of the fact that ImagineCommons has grown to more than 500 Individual Members!

ImaginePeople are the Members of our Global Community. They are the ones who develop Organizations and Institutions of ImagineCommons, and strive to make an impact based on the Values and Principles of ImagineConstitution.
Click on the profiles below to learn more about ImaginePeople and how you can connect with them to become a Member of ImagineCommons in your local Community.
ImagineCommons is the growing Collective of People and Institutions developed by ImagineCommunity to make its positive contribution to our ever-changing World.
ImagineCommons is the growing Collective of People and Institutions developed by ImagineCommunity to make its contribution to our ever-changing World.
ImagineCommons is organized and developed as a Membership Corporation. Its Members are Businesses and Non-Profit Organizations in various fields of business in different countries around the World.

Each Member Institution is created as a Joint Venture between ImagineCommons and an independent Business or NPO.

Our organizing approach as the Membership Corporation means that any Business or Non-Profit Organization that meets our Membership Criteria and shares the underlying Values and Principles of ImagineConstitution can become a Member of ImagineCommons.

Click on the links below to learn more about our Member Institutions and the unmatched Resources and Opportunities they offer:

ImagineImpact is a growing Collective of Non-Profit Organizations developed by ImagineCommunity to tackle some of Humanity's most complex challenges.
With strong and continuous support from ImagineCommons, ImagineImpact takes on some of the most complex challenges that no Government, Business, or NPO can ever solve alone.

ImagineImpact offers People true and exciting Opportunities to make a difference and choose the Kind of World they will live in today and pass on to their future generations.

Click on the links below to learn more about our Non-Profit Organization and the Opportunities they offer:
For us, members of ImagineCommons, the meaning of Imagine extends beyond a formal definition of our Beliefs and Objectives. We see it as a Concept, a Philosophy, and an Open-Ended System that has almost no limits. Perhaps the only limits for it are the limits of our Imagination
In the paragraphs below, we described what Imagine means to us today. If you find that you share the Concept and Values of Imagine and if you would like to become a part of ImagineCommunity, please get in touch with us! And don’t forget to share with us your thoughts on


Imagine is about People. A New Kind of People brought up in Universities, Metropolitans, and Global work environment during decades of the post cold war.

Imagine is about Diversity. It's about being Different and Unique. Yet, being so much Alike and Sharing so much in Common - Dreams and Beliefs, Feelings and Thoughts, Ideas and Inspirations, the Planet and the Time.

Imagine is about being Global and Global minded. It's about seeing the World as one Common Place. The Place where we live, where we work, where we bring up those who will stay after us.

Imagine is about Cultures. It's about Care and Respect for the Cultures that we inherited from our past. Yet, it is also about creating a New Culture. The Culture that will reflect People living in the New, better World.

Imagine is about Interactions. Interactions between People and Institutions with One Shared Goal. The Goal of building the New better World.

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