Reporting on the New Better World as We Make it
Our hearts beat faster when we think of the fact that ImagineCommons has grown to more than 500 Individual Members!
We are delighted to share that the Founder of ImagineCommons Andrey Shovkoplyas was awarded the Order of Kurmet by the Decree of the President of his home country, the Republic of Kazakhstan!
We are pleased to announce that ImagineCommons’ communication platform on Discord is now up and running.

ImagineCommons today has over 300 Individual Members representing more than 40 countries.

We are happy to announce our second Institutional Member, ImagineEcommerceSolutions!

For the first time in ImagineCommons’ history, ImagineConstitution is amended with two new Articles written by new Members of ImagineCommunity
Collaboration begins to develop The Color of Management© Agent-Based Model for Social Systems with a Purpose.
We are happy to announce the formation of our first Institutional Member, a Language Services Agency, ImagineLingua!
We have reached our first milestone! ImagineCommons Community is now 200 members strong and growing!
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